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Reset user password

There are two methods for resetting the password:
Go to the back-end login page and click on the forgot password link and get the reset password link in your email.

Method 2: Update the database

1. Navigate to phpMyAdmin and select the database for your site.
2. Find users table.
3. Find the user by u_email or u_user field.
4. Copy $2y$10$xZdtJqtyv.m4OWIPAOdDbeCvIWdNxMFyDpztLX6k2nS6A5NxAl0de to the u_pass field. At this point, the password should be changed to 12345678.
5. Now you can use 12345678 to login.
6A72 Content Management System
Javad Rahmatzadeh
6A72 Content Management System