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Language Package

We encourage you to translate our reference language package in your language. Please send us your translated language file. We will share it with the world!
Language package is core reference language file for back-end. You can find it inside /admin/lib/languagepack/.
There reference file name is Language Reference ID.
Core always need English language package (15.php). The reference for all languages is 15.php. When every new version of the core being released, all languages need to be updated.
To create a new language file, create a copy of 15.php file in your language ID, open the file and edit that.


This function set the main consts for language. Also, Words will be set here as const.
Don't change any const name. Just change the value with translated value.
First three consts values should be picked from Language Reference ID. For example, for French (ID=19):
function j_languagepack_19_consts_set(){
//Language main const values
(!defined('j_site_lang_code')) && define('j_site_lang_code',19);
(!defined('j_site_lang')) && define('j_site_lang','fr');
(!defined('j_site_dir')) && define('j_site_dir','ltr');
(!defined('j_site_txt_yes')) && define('j_site_txt_yes','Oui');


This function returning the sentences by message ID. Just change the value of the $messagetxt. For example, for Italian (ID=30):
function j_languagepack_30_message_get($messageID,$parameter){
$baseURL = j_baseURL();
switch ($messageID){
case 1: $messagetxt='Aggiunto con successo'; break;
Do not remove or change consts and $parameter variable in the string.
6A72 Content Management System
Javad Rahmatzadeh
6A72 Content Management System