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To update from our repository, go to the Install and Update/Update. If there is any update available, you should see it in the list. Check update item and click on Update button.

What can I Update?

You can update core, extension and theme in Install and Update/Update.

Update Log

After clicking on update button you see update log for each update items. You can read update log by knowing these:
N: Name
VF: Version From
VT: Version To
D: Downloaded in bytes
IS: Installer Status
0: No installation file or can not extract the installation file.
1: Installed successfully.
2: Corrupted install file.
3: Installed but could not create folder or copy from temp folder (or update-folder) to the destination folder.
4: Upgrade, Downgrade or Fix mode.
5: User has not permission to install this type.
6: Is not Compatible with core (compatibility error).
7: Project exists but from another author.
8: Project name length is too large.
US: Update Status
0: Can not download from server.
1: Updated successfully.
2: Can not access or find update folder.
3: Downloaded file can not be install.
AUTH: Authentication
0: If update authentication did not accepted by update server.
1: If update authentication accepted by update server.
ERR: Error Sending by Update Server
0: No error.
1: Authentication failed.
2: Update server didn't get the core version.

Update Domain

If you have paid version of extension or theme you need to set j_update_domain.
6A72 Content Management System
Javad Rahmatzadeh
6A72 Content Management System