On the front-end, if widgets and themes showing a word with jv_translate_get() function, you can change that word in translate section.
How to translate a word
1. Go to the Language/Add Translate.
2. Select a language that you need to be translated into. For Example French:FR.
3. Enter the main word in Name input box. For example: July.
4. Enter the translated word in Caption input box. For example Juillet.
5. Click on Add button.
Now, if you go to your french website, you can see every place that widgets and themes requested for July text, it shows Juillet. For example, in add or edit date.
Why a word doesn't translate after adding it to the translate list?
The word you've translated is different from what theme or widgets requested. For example, you entered the word Login as translate name but theme or widget requesting a translate for Login/Register word.
Translate just works with the words that requested by jv_translate_get() function. Does not work for post content.
Translate File
Translates doesn't store data inside database. They are files inside Language folder. File name is ID from
Language Reference ID.
The language ini file is a simple text file. Each line contains a translate with this format:
Name shouldn't have white space in it. Instead of white space use underscore. For example, if your name is Forgot My Password, You should write it Forgot_My_Password.