Before installing core, you need to have PHP, MySQL and a Web Server (Apache, Nginx, ...). We recommend to install PHP 7.0 or later and MySQL 5.7 or later.
You need to have these PHP extensions to install: mbstring, pdo, curl, ZipArchive.
We recommend to set maximum upload size to 20MB (j_upload_size_max default value in the core conf.php file).
After extracting the installation zip file, open conf.php file in the root folder with text editor.
Enter the value of the database configuration first:
define('j_db_host','Your database location');
define('j_db_user','Your database user name');
define('j_db_pass','Your database Password');
define('j_db_db','Your database name');
define('j_db_prfx',"Prefix for table name. Leave it empty if you don't need it");
By default configuration, core creates database and all tables with utf8mb4_unicode_ci collation. If you want to change that, you need to change j_db_tables_charset and j_db_tables_collate inside conf.php file.
Folder and File Permissions
Go to your browser and open the 6A72 CMS. For example, if you extracted the .zip install file to the web server root folder, you can just open it by, or (If you are trying it in your local server).
Now you see the install page. Enter the admin username, password and email and click on install button.
The Administrator back-end can be reached by appending the word admin to the URL of your site. For example
After Install, if you go to the front end, you may see a blank page. You need to create some content, add logo and more to see the result. Your posts and contents should be assigned to the related or all languages to be shown in the front end.